Wednesday 17 February 2010

Falling Girl And The Ear Logos

These are the Logo's we are going to print on to the superheroes tops, like Superman's 'S'.  Currently I have produced three logos one for Falling Girl and two for The Ear. Personally I am inclined to go for the logo that has the one ear. I designed the logo's to be similar because I wanted it to be clear to the audience that both characters wearing these logos are Superheroes.
I made Falling Girls logo red because its could be either masculine of feminine. I did this because when I think of the character of Falling Girl I see her being a bit of a tom-boy seeing she is falling over all the time.
The font I used is a font which I downloaded from, its a standard comic book font in bold yellow.

The Ears logo had to obviously have something to do with an Ear. So I took a close up photo of an ear, uploaded it to photo shop and applied a 'cut out' filter to give it a more comic book effect. I also downloaded this font from I chose this font because I think it has a good bold effect to it and its more dynamic than the comic book font. I want it to be more dynamic than the comic book font because I see The Ear as a more complex and sophisticated character in comparison to Falling Girl.

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